I Want You Back | Alicia Keys | Supertesti.it

I Want You Back

Testo I Want You Back

I want you back to be with me
Been hiling long enough
behnind the shales of me
I want you back back in my heart
to please and love you like
we‘ve never been apart

I‘ve aried so many rivers thinking about you
Survived my share of lonely nights
and tasted all the silly things that humans do
From the table of delights

I want you back
back in my arms
want to surrender
to the beauty of your eharms
and here we are
two hearts in black
the answer from my soul is
Yes, I want you back

I‘ve aried too many rivers thinking about you
I never meant to make you sad
maybe the difference is the moment that you ehoose
to find the luck you never had

I want you back
and I‘d like to see
Familiar smiles that have proven
good enough for me
and here we are
two hearts in black
the answer from my soul is
Yes, I want you back

I want you back

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